you know…
Mississippi is the best kept secret?
Mississippi is the hospitality state?
Jackson has a 33,000 acre reservoir?
Jackson has 3% unemployment rate?
Jackson is a sub- tropical climate?
Jackson is less than 3 hours away from New Orleans, Gulf Coast
and Memphis?
are 13 colleges in the tri-county area?
Jackson is the state capital?
There is a church in Jackson, Mississippi?
Do you desire…
To contribute more?
To deepen your relationship with God?
To be part of a close knit family?
An opportunity to be a vital part of a body and serve God in an exciting
and different way?
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And
who will go for us?” And I said,
“Here am I. Send me!” –
Isaiah 6:8
Opportunities for musicians, singers, teachers, preachers, workers, you.
Come stay a spell (a day, a week, a month, a lifetime)
Ya'll come
The Jackson Church
Contact ; Rita Allison @ 601-212-6372